Does your organisation have experience of supporting pregnant women or new mothers affected by the criminal justice system? 

If so, Clinks and Birth Companions would love to hear from you as part of our latest research project A window of opportunity: understanding the experiences and needs of pregnant women and new mothers in contact with the criminal justice system (CJS) in the community.

We want to hear from professionals and volunteers who have supported women serving community sentences or under probation supervision after leaving prison whilst pregnant and/or in the two years after giving birth (whether they have their baby in their care or not). 

This project will help build awareness and understanding of the issues and needs specific to this crucial period in women’s lives, highlight best practice, and identify gaps to be addressed in voluntary and statutory service provision.
How you can get involved:

There are a number of ways you can support this research. 

1 – Complete and share our online survey for voluntary sector organisations
2 – Take part in one of our online focus group sessions for professionals and volunteers
3 – Help us recruit women with relevant lived experience to take part in an online focus group   

The survey can be accessed here until 31st December 2020. Please share it widely among your colleagues and your networks. Responses will be anonymous.

If you would also like to take part in an online focus group to discuss these issues please email [email protected] before the end of the day on Monday 23rd November. We will be keeping groups small to allow us to explore these issues in depth, but will include as wide a range of perspectives as possible. 

Focus groups for professionals and volunteers will be held 11am-12pm on either 26th November or 30th November 2020.

A third focus group, specific to women with relevant lived experience, will be held on 11am-12pm on 1st December 2020. Women will be paid for their contributions with mobile phone data and childcare costs covered. The online space will be made supportive and safe. If you would like to nominate women to join this session, or would like further information, please contact [email protected] 

Birth Companions is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1120934 at Office 118, 372 Old Street, London, EC1V 9LT, England. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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