
Category: Understanding disadvantage

"We Need Support"

How women facing multiple unmet needs experience systems of child removal in the Greater Manchester area
10 Jul 2024

The impact of the rising cost of living on women

Birth Companions submission to the Women and Equalities Committee’s inquiry into the impact of the rising cost of living on women
15 Nov 2023

A Perfect Storm

Pregnancy, new motherhood and the cost of living crisis
14 Nov 2023

MBRRACE-UK: Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care 2023

Lessons learned to inform maternity care from the UK and Ireland Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths and Morbidity 2019-21
12 Oct 2023

‘On paper, you’re normal'

Narratives of unseen health needs among women who have had children removed from their care
31 Jul 2023

Mothers in recurrent care proceedings

New evidence for England and Wales
21 Nov 2022

MBRRACE-UK: Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care 2022

Lessons learned to inform maternity care from the UK and Ireland Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths and Morbidity 2018-20
10 Nov 2022

Still a Mam

Telling the stories of women who have experienced child removal and exploring what can be done to make things fairer
23 Jun 2022

Systemic racism, not broken bodies

An inquiry into racial injustice and human rights in UK maternity care
23 May 2022

The Black Maternity Experiences Report

A nationwide study of Black women’s experiences of maternity services in the United Kingdom
23 May 2022

Staying Mum

Findings from peer research with mothers surviving domestic abuse & child removal
31 Mar 2022

"We've not given up": Young women surviving the criminal justice system

Young Women’s Justice Project Executive Summary
4 Mar 2022

Trauma-Informed Care in Women's Prisons

A co-produced rapid literature review
1 Mar 2022

Draft best practice guidelines for when the state intervenes at birth

Part of the 'Born into Care' series
24 Feb 2022

Tackling Double Disadvantage: 10-point action plan for change

Ending inequality for Black, Asian, minoritised and migrant women in the criminal justice system
31 Jan 2022

Maternity Stream of Sanctuary Resource Pack

Promoting a culture of welcome within maternity services for people seeking sanctuary in the UK
27 Jan 2022

Why are pregnant women in prison?

Exploring the reasons that pregnant women spend time in English prisons.
17 Jan 2022

Compulsory separation of women prisoners from their babies following childbirth

Uncertainty, loss and disenfranchised grief
29 Dec 2021

Incarcerated Motherhood

Reflecting on 100 years of imprisoning mothers
15 Nov 2021

MBRRACE-UK: Saving Lives, Improving Mothers' Care 2021

Lessons learned to inform maternity care from the UK and Ireland Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths and Morbidity 2017-19
11 Nov 2021

Breach of Trust

A review of implementation of the NHS charging programme in maternity services in England
16 Sep 2021

Working together to improve care for women facing disadvantage and inequality

North Central London Local Maternity System and Birth Companions
6 Sep 2021

Women’s Health Strategy

Birth Companions' written submission to the DHSC
9 Jun 2021

A Window of Opportunity

Understanding the needs and experiences of pregnant women and new mothers in contact with the criminal justice system in the community in England.
24 May 2021

Recurrent care proceedings

Five key areas for reflection from the research
20 May 2021

Falling Through The Gaps

Young women transitioning to the adult justice system
28 Apr 2021

Cultural Mediation

An inclusive solution to help reduce the cultural and language barriers experienced by survivors of trafficking
10 Mar 2021

The Knot

An essay collection on the interconnectedness of poverty, trauma, and multiple disadvantage
17 Feb 2021

MBRRACE-UK: Saving Lives, Improving Mothers' Care 2020

Lessons to inform maternity care from the UK and Ireland Confidential Enquiries in Maternal Death and Morbidity 2016-18
14 Jan 2021

Perinatal Support for Asylum Seekers

Delivering perinatal education and support for highly vulnerable mothers in the UK asylum system
1 Jan 2021

Child protection conference practice during COVID-19

Reflections and experiences (rapid consultation September–October 2020)
14 Dec 2020

“It's a life you're playing with”

A qualitative study on experiences of NHS maternity services among undocumented migrant women in England
14 Dec 2020

Closed Doors

Summary Report: Inequalities and injustices in appropriate and secure housing provision for female victims of trafficking who are seeking asylum
2 Dec 2020

Supporting midwives to address the needs of women experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage

Position statement from the Royal College of Midwives
23 Nov 2020

Remote hearings in the family justice system: reflections and experiences

Follow-up consultation (September 2020)
5 Oct 2020

Why mothers at risk of separation or separated from their babies need access to specialist care

Blog post by Kirsty Kitchen, Head of Policy and Communications, Birth Companions
22 Sep 2020

Contact between children in care or adopted and their families

Six key messages from research
5 Sep 2020

Alone and Waiting

The experiences of pregnant women in prison during the Covid crisis
25 Aug 2020

From Now On...

Priorities for pregnant women and new mothers facing multiple disadvantage
23 Jul 2020

Managing through COVID-19

The experiences of children’s social care in 15 English local authorities
5 Jul 2020

Human Rights and the Government’s response to COVID-19

Children whose mothers are in prison
3 Jul 2020

Birth Companions' submission to the Women and Equalities Committee

Read our submission to the Women and Equalities Committee inquiry into the impact of COVID-19 and associated measures.
1 May 2020

Adverse Childhood Experiences

What we know, what we don’t know, and what should happen next
1 Feb 2020

Will I Ever be Safe?

Asylum-seeking women made destitute in the UK
1 Feb 2020

Saving Lives, Improving Mothers' Care

The MBRRACE-UK 2019 report
13 Dec 2019

The Birth Charter Toolkit

A practical guide to implementing the Birth Charter’s recommendations
12 Dec 2019

Better for women

Improving the health and wellbeing of girls and women
5 Dec 2019

Five Principles of Perinatal Peer Support

What does good look like?
3 Dec 2019

A Vicious Circle

The relationship between NHS Charges for Maternity Care, Destitution, and Violence Against Destitution, and Violence Against Women and Girls
1 Nov 2019

The right to family life

Children whose mothers are in prison
9 Sep 2019

Duty of Care?

The impact on midwives of NHS charging for maternity care
1 Sep 2019

Holding it all together

Understanding how far the human rights of women facing disadvantage are respected during pregnancy, birth and postnatal care.
18 Jun 2019

Jumping Through Hoops

How are coordinated responses to multiple disadvantage meeting the needs of women?
23 May 2019

Whole prison, whole person

How a holistic approach can support good mental health in prison
23 Apr 2019

Breaking Down the Barriers

Findings of the National Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence and Multiple Disadvantage
27 Feb 2019

Not Seen, Not Heard

Children’s experiences of the hostile environment
1 Feb 2019

Making Better Births a reality for women with multiple disadvantages

A joint research report by Birth Companions and Revolving Doors Agency.
18 Jan 2019

“Being the best person that they can be and the best mum”

A qualitative study of community volunteer doula support for disadvantaged mothers before and after birth in England
10 Jan 2019

Hand in Hand

Survivors of Multiple Disadvantage Discuss Service & Support
31 Dec 2018

The Women’s Mental Health Taskforce

Final report
19 Dec 2018

Promising practice from the frontline

Exploring gendered approaches to supporting women experiencing homelessness and multiple disadvantage
1 Dec 2018

Saving Lives, Improving Mothers' Care

The MBRRACE-UK 2018 Lay Summary
1 Nov 2018

Still No Way Out

Foreign national women and trafficked women in the criminal justice system
17 Sep 2018

What Price Safe Motherhood?

Charging for NHS Maternity Care in England and its Impact on Migrant Women
1 Sep 2018

Mapping the Maze

Services for women experiencing multiple disadvantage in England and Wales
1 Sep 2017

"I didn't think we'd be dealing with stuff like this"

A qualitative study of volunteer support for very disadvantaged pregnant women and new mothers
5 Jun 2017

Caring to make a difference with vulnerable women

The impact of targeted support on birth-related outcomes and experiences
4 May 2017

Double Disadvantage

The experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic women in the criminal justice system
30 Apr 2017

Joining The Dots

The combined burden of violence, abuse and poverty in the lives of women
5 Oct 2016

Home Truths

Housing for women in the criminal justice system
5 Sep 2016

Birth Charter for Women in Prison

The Birth Charter is a set of recommendations for the care of pregnant women and new mothers in prison.
26 May 2016

Experiences and Birth Outcomes of Vulnerable Women

Evaluation of Birth Companions' work at the Whittington Hospital
1 Mar 2016

Hidden Hurt

Violence, abuse and disadvantage in the lives of women
5 Jan 2016

Peer support during pregnancy and early parenthood

A qualitative study of models and perceptions
12 Oct 2015

Birth Companions Peterborough Doula Pilot Project

External Evaluation Report
15 Jun 2015

Hard Edges

Mapping Severe and Multiple Disadvantage In England
5 Jun 2015

Solutions from the Frontline

Recommendations for policymakers on supporting people with multiple needs
1 Jun 2015

An Unfair Sentence

All babies count: spotlight on the Criminal Justice System
5 Nov 2014

Women and Girls at Risk

Evidence across the course of life
6 Aug 2014

Brighter Futures

Working together to reduce women's offending
6 Jun 2014

Experiences, utilisation and outcomes of maternity care in England

Findings from the 2010 National Maternity Survey
5 Jun 2014

Who Cares

What Next for Women Offender Services
5 Jun 2014

Prevention in Mind

All Babies Count: Spotlight on Perinatal Mental Health
4 Jun 2013

When Maternity Doesn't Matter

Dispersing pregnant women seeking asylum
14 Jan 2013

No Way Out

A briefing paper on foreign national women in prison in England and Wales
30 Jan 2012

Looked After Children and Offending

Reducing Risk and Promoting Resilience
6 Jan 2012

Engendering Justice - from Policy to Practice

Final report of the Commission on Women and the Criminal Justice System
30 May 2009

Corston Report

A review of women with particular vulnerabilities in the Criminal Justice System
6 Mar 2007
Birth Companions is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1120934 at Office 118, 372 Old Street, London, EC1V 9LT, England. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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